Update on product pricing strategy
Hello everyone, first of all, thank you for your support to this website. Since this is the first time to open a store, the previous product pricing was a little confusing. After analyzing the trial operation data for the past two months, this website decided to adjust the previous peripheral pricing accordingly based on the previous revenue situation. In order to seek a path for sustainable development. Please see the specific rules after the adjustment:
Transparent Pricing Policy for Virtual Hosts (TPPVM)
As a customer, after this pricing revision, you will experience the following changes:
- Logistics costs will no longer be included in the cost of goods. Because I was previously affected by the domestic "free shipping" policy, the cost of express logistics was previously included in the cost of goods, resulting in the repeated calculation of the express price when customers purchase multiple items. After this change, all self-operated products on this site will no longer be free shipping by default, but will be calculated according to the supplier's formula. That is to say, if the supplier incurs postage, this site will also incur postage; if the supplier does not incur postage, this site will provide free shipping.
- Some peripherals are reduced in price: Since postage is calculated separately, Some low-cost products are now available at a lower price, for example, badges can be purchased for as low as ¥3
- Some peripherals have increased in price: Due to the introduction of commissioned material costs, some products that were previously priced too low will now be priced higher
- The cost of products produced by Rouzao will no longer be displayed separately: the main reason is that it is cumbersome to maintain. Now you can calculate the cost of the product yourself according to the above formula. For example, the original price of a poster is ¥35. According to Rouzao’s official website, the cost of a single piece is ¥1.80. (35-1.8)×100=3320 is the approximate cost of the commissioned work.
Regarding the price difference compensation for previous orders:
Due to the large number of orders and the significant changes in the price formula (some products have increased in price while others have decreased in price), this price update will no longer automatically compensate for previous orders. However, all customers who have purchased products before can compare the prices of previous orders by themselves. If you find that the price of the previous order is lower than the current selling price, you do not need to make up the difference. If it is higher than the current selling price, you can contact us via s@guzi.moe and we will refund the difference after manual verification.