
Compassion Products Supplier Update

After evaluating the sales in the past period of time, this site decided to replace the T-shirts previously provided by HugePOD and Rouzao. In the future, we will change to a professional T-shirt supplier for production. The main reasons for this change are:

  • HugePOD: The order delivery process is extremely unsmooth. After the express delivery order is issued, the express delivery information cannot be delivered to the Shopify backend in time, resulting in the order status not being updated normally. And multiple customer service feedbacks were still fruitless.
  • Rouzao: Although the quality of Rouzao's T-shirts is worth the price, according to customer feedback, the color will still fade significantly after several washes, which does not meet the quality requirements of this site. In addition, Rouzao only supports DTG and white T-shirts, and the range of customization is too limited.
    • Aug 28, 2024 Update: According to the update of Rouzao, it supports DTG and DTF processes, and black is available, but it still does not support collar printing and custom position printing. After evaluation, it still cannot meet the needs of this site.

The new supplier will use Printstar's T-shirts as the base material, support DTG and DTF processes, and provide a variety of colors, but the corresponding cost will be higher.

All previous T-shirts have been replaced by new suppliers and the prices have been adjusted accordingly.

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